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Bill Gates sees 3D desktop
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I'm currently a New Media consultant at DPI in the Netherlands, I dabble in product development at CNUT, developer of, blogger at and all round virtual world enthusiast.
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Blog Archive
Lorraine Twohill, Danny Rimer, Mattias Miksche- Ze...
A Table of Economies
I Share therefor I Am
The Coffee Bean Experience
The Adidas Exprience
Video Games and Storytelling
Video Games and Sex
Fabric of Folly on Collaborative Storytelling
Sketching the Future of Marketing
Agents in Second Life: A First Step
Zeitgeist Europe 2008 - Highlights
The Five Steps to Mysticism
Jonathan Harris on Real World Storytelling
Windows Vista Lauch: Breathtakingly horrible
Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft; Presentation
Math Matters to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer
The other Steve (the one from Microsoft)
The vision of future communication by Kevin Robert...
Bill Geist visits a Bookstore made from a Manure Tank
Tom Peters on Corporate Responsibility
Tom Peters on the Dream Manager
Possible Attributes of Resilient Organizations:
Possible Attributes of Resilient People:
Zappos Remarkable Hiring policy
Apple Mac Music Video
Total Immersion: 10 Augmented reality Applications
Kids building a 3D virtual Mars colony using Edusim
Moving closer to a 'Matrix'-style virtual world
Phun on the interactive whiteboard or Wiimote whit...
Magical Internet Error
Bill Gates sees 3D desktop
Steve Jobs on Microsoft
Bill Gates' Keynote on Windows Vista Launch
Present Like Steve Jobs
False Precision: Angel Investments
Storytelling Theory and Practice
Ode: How to tell a great story
Ira Glass on Storytelling #3
Ira Glass on Storytelling #2
Ira Glass on Storytelling #1
Using storytelling in your marketing
So you'd like to use storytelling in your Marketin...
Georges Polti's 36 Dramatic Situations
The Real Value of Virtual Worlds
'Generation V' not restricted by Age
Keystone on the Exodus to the Virtual Workplace
Finding people on Twitter
Neptune Club 4
The potential of advertising alliances in virtual ...
Sam Lawrence CMO Jive Software views on Social Media
A Zemanta Posting Example
Zemanta Instruction Video
Installing Zemanta
Architecture on the Double
The Real World Marketing Value of Virtual Events
McKinsey: ignore Second Life at your peril
What’s the point of Evernote?
Keystone Brouchoud on the future of the Metaverse
The virtual Workplace
Testing Clip-to-Blog
Web 2.0 Expo: Yoono
Me the Media - Introduction
Me the Media - Epilogue
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